Having not competed since Hartpury due to work requirements, I was delighted that Jane was putting on Combined Training at Badgworth. The largest class was Pre 18 and 80cm, so we signed up to that.
I was WAY too nervous for a Prelim test lol! The heat was pretty oppressive and half way through my test I thought I was going to expire (I warmed up and did my test in my jacket)
Fred also felt the heat was too much and so we had quite a flat little dressage test. After being 'nidgy' and grabbing for the first couple of moves - for 6's, he settled and we got 7's and even a 7.5 for most of the work, but for the final trot, canter and centre line, I think I was expiring. He wasn't going forward, which made him curl up and crab, so we got 6's for the final moves, until a 7 for the halt.
But at least I see what the problem was. Watching the video, it was pretty laboured and looked like he was just going to stop at every stride [hides face]. It was too hot to rev him up......
HOWEVER..... As soon as he clocked the show jumping ring, it was like someone had flicked a switch and from bored hot Freddie, we got supercharged broadband with turbo fart boost. Unfortunately I don't have a video of a very entertaining round of buck, fart, jump, fart, buck, bounce turbo boost.
He was just taking out strides everywhere lol. Still we scraped 6th (out of 8) against some VERY competent dressage folks - and only one person had a knock down, everyone else finished on clear SJ.
Novice and 90cm next time me thinks!

Fred: it's too hot to do dressage 🥵 i can't find energy
Also Fred: OMFG! JUMPING? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY?!!!! SUPER FART BROADBAND GOT NOTHING ON ME - Leap, fart, turbo boost, take a stride out, fly, fart, land, buck fart REPEAT. 😍💖💖💖
Have I'm mentioned that I do love this pony. He makes me smile. 😍 Never predicable. Never not funny 🤣
Jayne Smith Equestrian our long standing, ever patient instructor doesn't know whether to laugh or cry (or cry laughing?) on these days 🤣🤣🤣🤣