1 December 2022
The beauty about being at Badgworth Arena, is that Jane runs Wednesday Night show jumping, so when I rock up on a Thursday, the course is already set up and ready to go!
Weds November 30th had been the 'higher' evening, in that it finishes on the 90cm course. Determined to jump 90 again, I went in before I started and just adjusted 4 fences from the full course down a hole - that was the double of uprights, another upright on course and one of the spreads. I left jump 9 (the black and pink 90cm spread) as it was.
Given the lesson started with Freddie spooking in the top left corner and once again dropping me off the side! (I landed on my feet) it was awesome to finish by jumping the 90cm spread and I whooped loudly as we popped over it.
It felt really good to be hitting those BIG goals again and we weren't quite on the right stride to the big spread, instead of chipping in he took off and flew it. He's so scopey, I need to find my brave pants more readily. But for today, I am delighted :)